SDAF105B Ash Fusion Tester


Ash Fusion Tester is used to determine the four fusion characteristic temperatures (DT, ST, HT & FT) of coal and coke ash.
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SDAF105b Ash Fusion Determinator automatically monitors ash cone deformation temperatures in coal ash and coke ash(IT, ST, HT, and FT). A complete image history for all analyzed samples can be digitally archived and retrieved to make objective determinations of deformation temperatures. And the cone support is introduced into and removed out from the furnace automatically.


1. Automatic cone support introducing and retreating;
2. A stable, permanently mounted integrated camera -- isolated from the high temperature area;
3. Manual observing of cone images from the front window of the instrument available;
4. A complete image history for all analyzed samples can be digitally archived and retrieved to make objective determinations of deformation temperatures.

1. Light reflector - perfect gas tightness with only one hole on the furnace wall
2. Integrated camera
3. Automatic sample introducing device
Computer kit
Printer kit

Product Specification

Maximum samples:

9 samples
Maximum temperature: 1600°C
Temperature Resolution: 1°C
Insulation Media: Mullite
Element Media: Silicon, Molybdenum rods
Test Atmosphere: Reducing (Gas Flow)
Oxidizing (Air Flow)
Power Requirements: 220V
Max Power: 2.4kw
Dimmensions: 550*850*843mm
Net Weight: 100kg

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